Actively Seeking Employment

@I am in the process of finding the right job.

- I am good with HTML,CSS,Javascript,JQuery and Bootstrap
- I am familiar with Responsive Design.
- I have good knowledge of programming languages like C and Core Java.
- I have also sound knowledge of MySQLand PHP.
- I’m compatible on working various operating systems like Linux, windows, etc.
- I have also done successfully 4 month Core Java Course at Compu Soft Computer   Education.
- I have also done a small C project Employee Management System and I also have   been an active member of the academic project –Solar Mobile Charger have got a   practical knowledge during this project tenure.


Project Experience

Self Project

  • A.Title: Tribute Page
  • Technology used: HTML,CSS,Bootstrap
  • Duration: 2days
  • Description : In this project we devlope a web page where we can view a tribute page with an image and text. we can click on a link that will take us to an external website with further information on the topic.

  • B. Title : Randome Quote Machine
  • Technology used : HTML,CSS,Javascript,Bootstrap
  • Duration : One Months
  • Discription : In this project we can get random quote by clicking on button.

  • C.Title: : Job Portal
  • Technology used: HTML, CSS,CSS3,Bootstrap,PHP,MYSQL
  • Description : In this project Candidates can search and apply for jobs and recruiters can post jobs etc.